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Journal index :—About Physics— Phys. Rev. Lett. [4] Commun. Phys. [2], J. Phys. Chem. Lett. [2] Phys. Rev. Res. [5], Phys. Rev. A [31], New J. Phys. [2], J. Chem. Phys. [4] J. Phys. B [4], Phys. Lett. A [1] —Chemical Physics— Faraday Discuss. [1], RSC Adv. [1] Mol. Phys. [1], Chem. Phys. [1], Adv. Quantum Chem. [1] Mod. Phys. Lett. B [1], J. Mol. Struct. [1],Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Carbon Nanostruct. [1] —Astro & Spectra & Plasma Physics— Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. [2], Astron. Astrophys. [2] Front. Astron. Space Sci. [1], Phys. Plasmas [3], J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer [2] —Chinese Physics— Matter Radiat. at Extremes [1], Ultrafast Science [1], Chin. Phys. Lett. [5] Chin. Phys. B [3], Acta Phys. Sin. [1] —Others— J. Phys. Conf. [1] Coauthor index :J.G. Wang [42], Y. Wu [30], Y.J. Cheng [26], M.M. Gong [23], V. Kimberg [20], X.J. Chen [16], R.K. Janev [13], X.Y. Li [10], Y.Z. Qu [9], N. Rohringer [9] …
submission (7):7: Efficient CEP reconstruction using photogframent yield spectra X.X. Dong, V. kimberg, M.M. Gong, Y.R. Liu, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, J. Chen, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2025) 6: Quantum control of photodissociation dynamics via an embedding UV pulse Y.R. Liu, X. Bai, Q.W. Nan, V. Kimberg, M.M. Gong, Y.K. Yang, Y.J. Cheng, J. Chen, O. Vendrell, K. Ueda, J.M. Rost, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2024) 5: Q3D-GTDSE: A GPU-based code for solving 3D-TDSE in Cartesian coordinates K. Peng, X. Zhao*, J. Wang*, A.H. Liu*, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2024) 4: Machine Learning Approach to Reconstruct Dephasing Time From Solid HHG J.H. Liu, X. Zhao*, C.S. Shu, J. Wang*, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2024) 3: Quantum Complex Analysis and Reconstruction of Dephasing Time in Solid HHG J.H. Liu, X. Zhao*, S.C. Jiang, J.G. Chen, J. Wang*, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2024) 2: Dichroism in the interaction of vortex electron with atoms and molecules via single ionization process M.M. Gong*, Y.J. Cheng, X.J.Chen, and S.B. Zhang* xxx submitted (2024) 1: Selective bond cleavage in fragmentation of ArCO dimer by electron impact ionization S.C. Yan, D. Liu, S.B. Zhang*, S. Xu, X.L. Zhu, S.F. Zhang, D.M. Zhao, and X.W. Ma* xxx submitted (2022)
2025 (02):85: Spin-orbit splitting on photodissociation in open-shell diatomics by intense UV pulses Y.R. Liu, V. Kimberg, M.M. Gong, Y.J. Cheng,Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A xxx, xxxxxx (2025, accepted) 84: Photodissociation Dynamics of SiH+: Rovibrationally Resolved Feshbach Resonances Mediated by Coupled Excited States in the Ultraviolet Region Y.K. Yang, X.G. Su, K. Wang, Y.J. Cheng, Q.W. Nan, Z.Q. Wang, D.L. Yeager, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, K.D. Wang*, Y. Wang*, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A xxx, xxxxxx (2025, accepted)
2024 (10):83: Theoretical study on photo-ionization of helium atoms by Bessel vortex light T. Zhao, M.M. Gong*, and S.B. Zhang* Acta Phys. Sin. 73, 244201 (2024) 82: Theoretical study of twisted-photon induced single ionization of Nitrogen molecule T. Zhao, M.M. Gong*, Y.J. Cheng, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 110, 063114 (2024) 81: Tracking Conical Intersection Passage with Time-Resolved Resonant Auger Scattering C. Wang, V. Kimberg, M.M. Gong, Y.J. Cheng, X.J. Liu, O. Vendrell, K. Ueda, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 110, 042811 (2024) 80: Probing Coupled Rotational and Electronic Dynamics during Laser-Induced Molecular Fragmentation K.Y. Guo, X.Q. Hu, M. Li*, C.C. Jia, S.B. Zhang, C.P. Cao, W.H. Xie, W.Cao, K.L. Liu, Y.M. Zhou, Y. Wu*, J.G. Wang, and P.X. Lu* Ultrafast Science 4, 0073 (2024) 79: Radiative association for the formation of phosphorus monochloryl cation (PCl+) and aluminium monochloride (AlCl) Y. Chen, X.H. Lin, L.D. Xiao, Z.J. Li, S.B. Zhang, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, A. Almeida, C. Andreazza, and B. Yan* Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 533, 3246 (2024) 78: Multicenter continuum-state approach to molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: From plane wave to twisted photons J. H. Duan, M.M. Gong*, Y.J. Cheng, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 109, 063114 (2024) 77: Electronic Structure, Oscillator Strength and Rovibrationally Resolved Photodissociation of MgH Z.H. Deng, N. Li, Y.K. Yang, M.M. Gong, B. Yan, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang Y.J. Cheng*, and S.B. Zhang* Astron. Astrophys. 685, A144 (2024) 76: Unraveling photodissociation dynamics by sub-femtosecond ultraviolet pulses: Insights into fragmental kinetics and carrier-envelope phase characterization X.X. Dong, M.M. Gong, X. Zhao, Y.R. Liu, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, J. Chen, and S.B. Zhang* New J. Phys. 26, 013050 (2024) 75: The radiative association of PO/PH+ and the photodissociation of PH+ Y. Chen, X.H. Lin, L.D. Xiao, Z.J. Li, S.B. Zhang, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, and B. Yan* Front. Astron. Space Sci. 11, 1335464 (2024) 74: Rebuilding the vibrational wavepacket in TRAS using attosecond X-ray pulses C. Wang, M.M. Gong, X. Zhao, X.Y. Yu, Q.W. Nan, Y.J. Cheng, V. Kimberg, X.J. Liu, O. Vendrell, K. Ueda, and S.B. Zhang*
2023 (8):73: Propagation effects of seeded collective emission by two-photon excited oxygen atoms X. Wang, Y.H. Kuan, J.J. Cui, Y.K. Yang, F. Xing, W.T. Liao, L.Q. Yuan, Y.J. Cheng, Z.Y. Liao, Z. Li*, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 043293 (2023) 72: Investigation of vibrational effect on the (𝑒, 2𝑒) triple differential cross sections of 1𝑏3𝑔 orbital of ethylene molecule by multi-center distorted wave method Z.P. Wang, M.M. Gong, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, and X.J. Chen* Chin. Phys. B 32, 110205 (2023) 71: Resonant Auger scattering by attosecond X-ray pulses Q.W. Nan, C. Wang, X.Y. Yu, X. Zhao, Y.J. Cheng, M.M. Gong, X.J. Liu, V. Kimberg, and S.B. Zhang* Chin. Phys. Lett. 40, 093201 (2023) (Editor`s Suggestion) 70: Proposal for observing XUV-induced Rabi oscillation using superfluorescent emission J.J. Cui, Y.J. Cheng, X. Wang, Z. Li, N. Rohringer, V. Kimberg*, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 043201 (2023) 69: Time-resolved resonant Auger scattering clocks distortion of a molecule C. Wang, M.M. Gong, Y.J. Cheng, V. Kimberg, X.J. Liu, O. Vendrell, K. Ueda, and S.B. Zhang* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 5475 (2023) 68: Theoretical study of the electron-impact broadening for highly charged Ar XV ion lines C. Wu, X. Gao*, Y.H. Zhu*, X.Y. Han, B. D., J. Meng, S.B. Zhang, J. Yan, Y. Wu*, and J.G. Wang Chin. Phys. B 32, 053101 (2023) 67: Selecting resonances in molecular scattering by anti-Zeno effect H.W. Yang, Z.Q Li, S.B. Zhang, L.S. Cao, Z.J. Zhang, S.Z. Li, G.R. Wang*, H.T. Xu*, and Z. Li* J. Chem. Phys. 158, 154302 (2023) 66: Inelastic squared form factors of the vibronic states of B1Σ+u, C1Πu, and EF1Σ+g for molecular D2 studied by high-energy electron scattering Y.W. Liu, S.X. Wang*, L.Q. Xu, Y.G. Peng, S.B. Zhang, Y. Wu*, J.G. Wang, and L.F. Zhu* Phys. Rev. A 107, 022803 (2023)
2022 (7):65: Photodissociation spectroscopy via a rovibrational resonance by intense UV pulses Y.R. Liu, V. Kimberg, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, O. Vendrell, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 043001 (2022) 64: Coincidence spectroscopy of normal Auger decay by ultrashort x-ray pulse Y.P. Zhu, X. Zhao, X.J. liu, V. kimberg*, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 106, 023105 (2022) 63: Twisted electron impact single ionization of H2O molecule by multicenter distorted wave calculations M.M. Gong, Y.J. Cheng, S.B. Zhang*, and X.J. Chen Phys. Rev. A 106, 012818 (2022) 62: Carrier-envelope-phase measurement of sub-cycle UV pulses using angular photofragment distributions X.X. Dong, Y.R. Liu, V. Kimberg, O. Vendrell, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, J. Chen, and S.B. Zhang* Commun. Phys. 5, 181 (2022) 61: Channel Selection of Ultracold Atom-Molecule Scattering in Dynamic Magnetic Fields H.W. Yang, Z.Q. Li, S.B. Zhang, J.L. Born, L.S. Cao, S.T. Zhang, G.R. Wang*, H.T. Xu*, and Z. Li* Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 013402 (2022) 60: Accurate Distorted Wave Description of Electron Momentum Spectroscopy for Molecule: a Demonstration of Molecular Oxygen M.M. Gong*, Y.T. Zhang, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, X. Shan*, and X.J. Chen* Phys. Rev. A 105, 042805 (2022) 59: Electron-rotation coupling in UV photodissociation of aligned diatomics Y.R. Liu, V. Kimberg, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, O. Vendrell, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 013066 (2022)
2021 (9):58: Third order effect of postionization population redistribution in strong field X.X. Mu, M. Zhang, H.W. Yang, M. Li, K.Y. Guo, Z.J. Lv, J.C. Feng, H.T. Xu*, S.B. Zhang*, and Z. Li* Phys. Rev. Res. 3, 043144 (2021) 57: Ultraviolet pump-probe photodissociation spectroscopy of electron-rotation coupling in diatomics Y.R. Liu, V. Kimberg, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, O. Vendrell, and S.B. Zhang* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 5534 (2021) 56: Bremsstrahlung from fully stripped tungsten W74+ in Debye-Huckel potential J.Y. Wu, Y.J. Cheng, A. Poskus, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 103, 062802 (2021) 55: Core-excited molecules by resonant intense x-ray pulses involving electron-rotation coupling Y.P. Zhu, Y.R. Liu, X. Zhao, V. Kimberg, and S.B. Zhang* Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 053201 (2021) (Editor`s Suggestion) 54: Multicenter distorted-wave calculation for triple differential cross sections of tetrahydropyran and 1,4-dioxane molecules Z.P. Wang, M.M. Gong*, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, and X.J. Chen* J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 248, 147059 (2021) 53: Predissociation resonances and accurate ab initio calculations of dication HF2+ D. Liu, R. Li, J. Ren, Y.J. Cheng, B. Yan, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* RSC Adv. 11, 9600 (2021) 52: Spectral properties and polarizabilities for fluorine-like ions with Z =20-30 S. Liu, Y.J. Cheng*, S.B. Zhang Astron. Astrophys. 645, A136 (2021) 51: Theoretical studies of dense hydrogen-like plasmas with the unified description of linear screening W.G. Li, Y.J. Cheng, J.Y. Wu, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Plasmas 28, 012708 (2021) 50: Theoretical study of electron impact single ionization of Neon by multicenter three distorted-wave method at low projectile energy: An overall agreement with experiment M.M. Gong, Z.P. Wang, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang*, and X.J. Chen* J. Phys. B 54, 015206 (2021)
2020 (8):49: Particle scattering and resonances involving avoided crossing Y.K. Yang, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, Y.Z. Qu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* New J. Phys. 22, 123022 (2020) 48: Photodissociation dynamics of NH molecule by intense VUV pulses Y.R. Liu, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, O. Vendrell, V. Kimberg, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 043348 (2020) 47: Electron-rotation coupling in diatomics under strong-field excitation Y.R. Liu, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, O. Vendrell, V. Kimberg, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 102, 033114 (2020) 46: Relativistic coupled-cluster-theory study for low-energy electron scattering with argon Y.J. Cheng*, S. Liu, S.B. Zhang, and Y.B. Tang* Phys. Rev. A 102, 012824 (2020) 45: Photodissociation cross sections of BeH+ in ultraviolet band Y.K. Yang, Y.J. Cheng, Y.G. Peng, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu, and S.B. Zhang* J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 254, 107203 (2020) 44: Free-free Gaunt factors of hydrogen-like ions in dense quantum plasmas J.Y. Wu, Y.Y. Qi, Y.J. Cheng, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Plasmas 27, 043301 (2020) 43: X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy by an ultrashort x-ray-laser pulse in a continuous-wave IR field X. Shi, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, V. Kimberg*, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 101, 023401 (2020) 42: Breakdown of the Coulomb-explosion imaging technique induced by the ultrafast rotation of fragments X.Q. Hu, Y.G. Peng, X.L. Zhu*, S.C. Yan, L. Liu, W.T. Feng, D.L. Guo, Y. Gao, S.F. Zhang, D.M. Zhao, D.P. Dong, B. Hai, J.W. Xu, S.B. Zhang*, X.W. Ma*, J.G. Wang, and Y. Wu* Phys. Rev. A 101, 012707 (2020)
2019 (7):41: Non-relativistic free-free Gaunt factors in Debye plasmas J.Y. Wu, Y. Wu, Y.Y. Qi, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and S.B. Zhang* Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 486, 141 (2019) 40: Resonance studies using the contour deformation method in the complex momentum plane Y.K. Yang, Y. Wu, Y.Z. Qu, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Lett. A 383, 1929 (2019) 39: Bond-distance-dependent Auger decay of core-excited N2 using an ultrashort x-ray pump and continuous-wave IR-control scheme Q. Bian, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 99, 033404 (2019) 38: Theoretical study of resonances formed in low energy Li+-H collisions X.H. Lin, Y.G. Peng, Y. Wu*, S.B. Zhang*, B. Shao, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Janev Chem. Phys. 522, 10 (2019) 37: Resonances in nonrelativistic free-free Gaunt factors with screened Coulomb interaction J.Y. Wu, Y. Wu, Y.Y. Qi, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and S.B. Zhang* Phys. Rev. A 99, 012705 (2019) 36: Effect of 3D-transition metal doping concentration on electronic structure and magnetic properties of Γ-graphyne J. Ren*, N.C. Zhang, S.B. Zhang, and P.P. Liu Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Carbon Nanostruct. 27, 684 (2019) 35: Magnetic and Electronic Properties of beta-Graphyne Doped with Rare-Earth Atoms J. Ren*, S.B. Zhang*, and P. P. Liu Chin. Phys. Lett. 36, 076101 (2019)
2018 (5):34: Multicenter three-distorted-wave approach to three-dimensional images for electron impact ionization dynamics of molecules: Overall agreement with experiment M.M. Gong*, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, S.S. Niu, X.G. Ren, E.L. Wang, A. Dorn, and X.J. Chen* Phys. Rev. A 98, 042710 (2018) 33: Triple-differential cross sections for single ionization of CO2 by 100 eV electron impact K. Hossen, X.G. Ren*, E.L. Wang, M.M. Gong, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, X.J. Chen*, and A. Dorn* J. Phys. B 51, 215201 (2018) 32: Theoretical study of (e,2e) triple differential cross sections of C4H8O using multicenter distorted-wave method X.J. Xu, M.M. Gong*, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, and X.J. Chen* J. Chem. Phys. 148, 244104 (2018) 31: Theoretical study of electron impact triple differential cross sections of N2O by a multicenter distorted-wave method M.M. Gong, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang*, and X.J. Chen* J. Phys. B 51, 094003 (2018) 30: Electron-atom and electron-molecule resonances:some theoretical approaches using complex scaled multiconfigurational methods K. Samanta, T. Tsogbayar, S.B. Zhang,and D.L. Yeager* Adv. Quantuam Chem. 77, 317-390 (2018) (Book Chapter)
2017 (3):29: Electron-spectral-line profiles of resonances by attosecond XUV or x-ray pulses S.B. Zhang*, X.T. Xie, and J.G. Wang Phys. Rev. A 96, 053420 (2017) 28: Theoretical study of (e,2e) processes for valance orbitals of CH4 using a multicenter distorted-wave method M.M. Gong*, X.Y. Li, S.B. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Wu, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu, and X.J. Chen* Phys. Rev. A 96, 042703 (2017) 27: Low-energy electron elastic scattering and impact ionization with hydrogenlike helium in Debye plasmas J. Li, S.B. Zhang*, B.J. Ye*, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Janev Phys. Rev. A 96, 032707 (2017)
2016 (6):26: Time-dependent quantum wave packet dynamics to study charge transfer in heavy particle collisions S.B. Zhang*, Y. Wu*, and J.G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 145, 224306 (2016) 25: Nonlinear resonant Auger spectroscopy in CO using an x-ray pump-control scheme S.B. Zhang*, V. Kimberg, and N. Rohringer* Phys. Rev. A 94, 063413 (2016) 24: Low energy electron-impact ionization of hydrogen atom for coplanar equal-energy-sharing kinematics in Debye plasmas J. Li, S.B. Zhang*, B.J. Ye*, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Janev Phys. Plasmas 23, 123511 (2016) 23: Review of quantum collision dynamics in Debye plasmas (invited review) R.K. Janev, S.B. Zhang*, and J.G. Wang Matter Radiat. at Extremes 1, 237 (2016) 22: K-shell photoionization of Li, Be+ and B2+ J. Li, J.D. Liu, S.B. Zhang*, and B.J. Ye* Mod. Phys. Lett. B 30, 1650204 (2016) 21: Complex multireference configuration interaction calculations for the K-vacancy Auger states of Nq+(q= 2-5) ions Y.G. Peng, Y Wu*, L.F. Zhu*, S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, H.P. Liebermann, and R.J. Buenker J. Chem. Phys. 144, 054306 (2016)
2010-2015 (20):20: Quantum-beat Auger spectroscopy S.B. Zhang and N. Rohringer Phys. Rev. A 92 043420 (2015) 19: Theoretical study of molecular electronic and rotational coherences by high-order-harmonic generation S.B. Zhang, D. Baykusheva, P.M. Kraus, H.J. Worner, and N. Rohringer Phys. Rev. A 91 023421 (2015) 18: The sensitivities of high-harmonic generation and strong-field ionization to coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics D. Baykusheva, P.M. Kraus, S.B. Zhang, N. Rohringer, and H.J. Worner* Faraday Discuss. 171, 113 (2014) 17: X-ray lasing in diatomic molecules V. Kimberg*, S.B. Zhang, and N. Rohringer J. Phys. Conf. 488, 012025 (2014) 16: Multicenter distorted-wave method for fast-electron-impact single ionization of molecules S.B. Zhang*, X.Y. Li, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu, and X.J. Chen* Phys. Rev. A 89 052711 (2014) 15: Photoemission spectroscopy with high-intensity short-wavelength lasers S.B. Zhang* and N. Rohringer* Phys. Rev. A 89 013407 (2014) 14: High-harmonic probing of electronic coherence in dynamically aligned molecules P.M. Kraus, S.B. Zhang, A. Gijsbertsen, R.R. Lucchese, N. Rohringer, and H.J. Worner* Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 243005 (2013) 13: X-ray lasing in the CO molecule V. Kimberg*, S.B. Zhang, and N. Rohringer J. Phys. B 46, 164017 (2013) 12: A complex scaled multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree–Fock method for studying resonant states S.B. Zhang and D.L. Yeager* Mol. Phys. 110, 663 (2012) 11: A complex scaled multi-reference configuration interaction method to study Li and Li-like cations (Be, B, C, N, O) Auger resonances 1s2s2 2S and 1s(2s2p 3Po) 2Po S.B. Zhang and D.L. Yeager * J. Mol. Struct. 1023, 96 (2012) 10: Inner shells do not cause grave difficulties in the resonance study with the direct complex-coordinate method S.B. Zhang and D.L. Yeager Phys. Rev. A 85 054502 (2012) 09: Complex scaled multi-reference configuration interaction method to study Be and Be-like cations (B, C, N, O, Mg) Auger resonances 1s2s22p 1,3Po S.B. Zhang and D.L. Yeager Phys. Rev. A 85 032515 (2012) 08: Dielectronic recombination and resonant transfer excitation processes for helium-like krypton X.L. Hu, Y.Z. Qu*, S.B. Zhang, and Y. Zhang Chin. Phys. B 21, 103401 (2012) 07: Simulation of Hydrogen Emission Spectrum in Debye Plasmas Q.Y. Ding*, S.B. Zhang, and J.G. Wang Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 053202 (2011) 06: Electron–hydrogen atom-impact 1s->2s and 1s->2p excitation with screened Coulomb interaction between the n=2 and n=3 excitation thresholds S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and X.J. Chen Phys. Rev. A 83 032724 (2011) 05: Positron-Impact Excitation of Hydrogen Atoms in Debye Plasmas S.B. Zhang, Y.Y. Qi, Y.Z. Qu, X.J. Chen, and J.G. Wang* Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 013401 (2010) 04: Electron collisions with the BH2 radical using the R-matrix method S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, and X.J. Chen Phys. Rev. A 82 062711 (2010) 03: Photodetachment of Hydrogen Negative Ions with screened Coulomb interaction S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, Y.Z. Qu, and X.J. Chen Phys. Rev. A 81 065402 (2010) 02: Electron–hydrogen atom elastic and inelastic scattering with screened Coulomb interaction around the n=2 excitation threshold S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Janev Phys. Rev. A 81 032707 (2010) 01: Crossover of Feshbach resonances to shape-type resonances in electron hydrogen atom excitation with screened Coulomb interaction S.B. Zhang, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Janev Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 023203 (2010)
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